Okay...I have something for you if you like Pink Floyd even the least little bit. It has taken me a little while to get to posting this because I really have not had time.

On Tuesday, November 13 I saw one of the most amazing concerts of my life. Australian Pink Floyd. You guessed it...a bunch of guys originally from Down Under started a Pink Floyd tribute band. And let me say right now that I saw the real PF in Indy in 1987.

I could not believe my fucking ears. I closed my eyes several times and could not tell the difference. The stage setup was pretty much an exact replica of Floyd's. They played all the songs that you know and love. The female backup singers sounded just like Floyd's. One of the girls did the solo part of "Great Gig in the Sky" almost exactly perfect. That was going on when we were walking in a little late. And had I known that they were going to be that good, I would have arrived early.

I don't feel like being long winded here. If they are coming near or to your town...GO SEE THEM!

I will post a couple of pics. Taken from my cell as usual, so not the best quality.

