Buddha : I like that. I think I will have to add that later on in the program and see what I can do with it. Part of my thought process was to also link off to an internal 'wiki' like page that gives instructions on certain problems. So like say someone says that their network is down - the call would be flagged as having a wiki type page that the end user could then click the link to to bring up the hits for those keywords. On the page would be different steps that someone could take to fix a network being down.

Since it is a wiki page it would be dynamically updated as end users figure out how to fix different problems and either create a new entry or add on to the existing page with new solutions. I was also thinking about taking all the little utilities that I have written over the years and link them off as well. So that way if there is like corruption in the database (I am using flat files which seem to get corrupted all the time) or if someone needs to reload the data based off of another data set, it could link them right to the utility for them to use it.

Ronin : That is EXACTLY what I am looking for. I will have to read up more on it.

As far as the cloud POS, I have been thinking about this for the last year or so. My problem is that I do not know enough about SQL to create something like that. That is why I am starting on rewriting this help desk of ours. I figure that if I can do that and learn enough about SQL and Java in the process, I would be able to create a cloud POS. I truly believe that it would be something that people, especially smaller stores or companies would embrace.

Think about it as a computer consultant. You could go to a site and figure out what the store/company needs. While you are there you could input information into your POS through an iPhone or Droid app and right at that moment email out a proposal to someone. You could as a plumber or even a mobile pet groomer, do exactly the same thing and have all your information already stored no matter where you go.

Even a small little store like a bike or dollar store. You could setup a netbook with a basic UPC scanner and printer and run sales with a minimal amount of money invested into it.

I truly think that there could be a market for such a product.