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  1. FU Vista!!! (7 replies)
  2. fucking weather! (4 replies)
  3. F U Cablevision (64 replies)
  4. Ban Reality Shows (1 replies)
  5. AIG (5 replies)
  6. College Football Marching Bands (6 replies)
  7. That "volcano taco" from Taco Bell.. (8 replies)
  8. YES!!! Only if you could fry, you child murderer!!! (0 replies)
  9. Stupid People make me crazy.. (13 replies)
  10. Is the gov't trying to put us all on welfare? wtf (20 replies)
  11. Economy Rant (46 replies)
  12. Using your kids to sell shit (14 replies)
  13. Inflation!!!! (35 replies)
  14. Money (16 replies)
  15. Good Flame reading material (4 replies)
  16. ESPN (22 replies)
  17. efffin UPS (11 replies)
  18. efffing Taxesssss (15 replies)
  19. *&%@en neighbors!! (22 replies)
  20. MNF is gonna suck even more this year! (9 replies)
  21. The Simpsons (8 replies)
  22. mike vick (32 replies)
  23. David and Victoria Becham and the media covering them... (5 replies)
  24. FUk Ewe KROGERRRRRRRRRRR and Dollar stores too!!! (5 replies)
  25. So tired... (6 replies)
  26. Well, I guess my spam for 07 begins here... (0 replies)
  28. Lemme get this off my chest since its black friday time again.. (33 replies)
  29. Stupid Kids (8 replies)
  30. ANYONE LIVE IN A APARTMENT????? (9 replies)
  31. SPEAKY ENGLISH? FUCK NO!! (5 replies)
  32. FUCK YOU BIG KMART!!! (63 replies)
  33. Fuck UND and TIAA-CREF (3 replies)
  34. Fuck these people... (11 replies)
  35. my visa check card has been compromised! (3 replies)
  36. People at Walmart (42 replies)
  37. MF"ing slow assed Webservers! (10 replies)
  38. FUCK YOU CAPITAL ONE (132 replies)
  39. Overcharging Mother&*#$%@&! (26 replies)
  40. parental advice from non-parents! (22 replies)
  41. WTF is the LEFT LANE for?!!! (11 replies)
  42. I hate poo! (3 replies)
  43. Energy drinks that taste like shit! (53 replies)
  44. comcast (6 replies)
  45. The official "Flame Lyra!" thread (12 replies)
  46. stupid verizon wireless! (6 replies)
  47. HOLEH CRAPS!!! FORUMS UP AND DOWN!! (13 replies)
  48. F-U! (4 replies)
  49. Holy Crap... Sigs.. (109 replies)
  50. arrogant bosses and you.... (11 replies)
  51. HERREN! (4 replies)
  52. Guess what (2 replies)
  53. JOSH! (8 replies)
  54. I am soooo sick (13 replies)
  55. young drivers (23 replies)
  56. 2.00+ (34 replies)
  57. Pop ups (18 replies)
  58. some people... (8 replies)
  59. People who are always late (23 replies)
  60. well water (22 replies)
  61. Fucking Cell Phones!!! (33 replies)
  62. Homosexual customers giving BJ's to eachother in the bathroom stall AT MY JOB! (42 replies)
  63. Dirty Cops suck major ass (8 replies)
  64. Fucking 3rd "Mid-Terms" (0 replies)
  65. Turn on the lights. (5 replies)
  66. Cigarettes! (41 replies)
  67. Sai Josh (3 replies)
  68. Bhudda (10 replies)
  69. Aliasing (9 replies)
  70. I hate Blind people (5 replies)
  71. i hate people (11 replies)
  72. CROM! (15 replies)
  73. life {not really a flame more than a release} (19 replies)
  74. kiss my ass (23 replies)
  75. f (5 replies)
  76. BTP's Search Engine (5 replies)
  77. comcast.... (2 replies)
  78. wtf (19 replies)
  79. dedicated to people who cant drive... (23 replies)
  80. (sigh) (12 replies)
  81. What the fuck! (13 replies)
  82. fuck (3 replies)
  83. My rant.... (15 replies)
  84. Shut Da Fuck Up (15 replies)
  85. Screw People that Close threads...not Vlad but anyone that closes threads (26 replies)
  86. Fuck Vlad (32 replies)
  87. Over sarcastic co-workers... (6 replies)
  88. ZPWorld. (17 replies)
  89. fuck you all (24 replies)
  90. November 3rd (20 replies)
  91. Arrogant fucking drivers (2 replies)
  92. Cars suck (4 replies)
  93. What to do??? (11 replies)
  94. You all suck! (4 replies)
  95. TRILLIAN!! (12 replies)
  96. I luv you (1 replies)
  97. Impoliteness (12 replies)
  98. I Hate You! (5 replies)
  99. troof? (35 replies)
  100. I hate mother fuckers who dont give a damn about certian shit! (15 replies)
  101. Traffic accidents that include me (27 replies)
  102. Fucking CAn (12 replies)
  103. Doo Doo (22 replies)
  104. why Comcast is a piece of shit (3 replies)
  105. Stupid shit that makes headlines... (6 replies)
  106. . (15 replies)
  107. PGP (16 replies)
  108. lead.....follow.....or get the fuck outta the way! (28 replies)
  109. YOU, yeah you... (1 replies)
  110. fucking lazy walmart employees!!! (9 replies)
  111. New Tampax Commercial... (13 replies)
  112. Tyler Durden (26 replies)
  113. since this is the flaming forum...... (7 replies)
  114. I'd like (2 replies)
  115. Road RaGe (22 replies)
  116. Sno-ee Bleach.. (12 replies)
  117. Minor BR Rant (0 replies)
  118. FUCK THE LAW!! ARGH!!! IDIOTS!!! (3 replies)
  119. To all you anti-war protesters making all this noise... (29 replies)
  120. FUcked up maps on ladders!! (3 replies)
  121. ratty (9 replies)
  122. Shitty response from Infogrames... (0 replies)
  123. Cox Cable Internet.... (13 replies)
  124. ** War ** (14 replies)
  125. for a flame forum... (16 replies)
  126. Pasta Pot (4 replies)
  127. Had to have been a chick! (33 replies)
  128. ~~~ CrYbAbY ~~~ (6 replies)
  129. DAMMIT MY TONGUE!!! (20 replies)
  130. KanCer....... (46 replies)
  131. 420??? (41 replies)
  132. TO THE ADMINS HERE @ BTP!!!!.... (13 replies)
  133. to the dumbfuck who spilled the gallon of fucking paint on the floor @ my work... (10 replies)
  134. Fiber (17 replies)
  135. CAN WE GET THE FUCKING SNOW TURNED OFF!!!!???? (31 replies)
  136. missing animations in ut2003!! (38 replies)
  137. Vlad! (11 replies)
  138. Walmart (5 replies)
  139. FUCK U ALL !! (13 replies)
  140. What a useless FUCKIN Thread (57 replies)
  141. telemarketers..actual conversation motherfuck shithole assfuck (11 replies)
  142. To the ignorant fucks that work at the checkers I went to last night!.... (11 replies)
  143. cops? (10 replies)
  144. Those effing subscription cards in magazines (5 replies)
  145. Flame ON!!!! (5 replies)
  146. *What a waste of perfectly good White Boy (66 replies)
  147. Hey Ratty! (5 replies)
  148. that fat fuck jared from the subway commericals (29 replies)
  149. why,.. (52 replies)
  150. being put on motherf#$king hold for 2 godd@mn hours (9 replies)
  151. PG admins sucks (22 replies)
  152. What a F***'in Quiet Forum...... (3 replies)
  153. at&T cable Rant (14 replies)
  154. I'm Right Mad (14 replies)
  155. Flamers Suckass (8 replies)
  156. Anyone will fucking tell them? (12 replies)
  157. UTIGL Admins (6 replies)
  158. FKn Hotmail!!!!!!!!!!!!! (3 replies)
  159. Internet Explorer (1 replies)
  160. TIME (4 replies)
  161. Little Pen.. (1 replies)
  162. Check out this IDIOT (9 replies)
  163. AOL (5 replies)
  164. Bah (33 replies)
  165. Spam Mail (6 replies)
  166. Being called out for aliasing... (11 replies)
  167. Respect the Noobies (41 replies)
  168. vengeance (9 replies)
  169. Jaz (23 replies)
  170. West Virginia.. (11 replies)
  171. Big Fat Lier (34 replies)
  172. My advice for when you get pissed when playing UT. (0 replies)
  173. Botter? NO! (58 replies)
  174. Being Called a Camper (34 replies)
  175. The other day. (4 replies)
  176. TARDS!!! (13 replies)
  177. Long Overdue (6 replies)
  178. help! (7 replies)
  179. WTF!!! (11 replies)
  180. Pun_II (9 replies)
  181. People that call you a cheater because there getting owned. (16 replies)
  182. no flames in this forum!!! (12 replies)
  183. SealClubber Bashing (19 replies)
  184. PrincessM[iR] (18 replies)
  185. hey anastacia (3 replies)
  186. this rant is long overdue.... (0 replies)
  187. Why are so many people whiney bitches? (33 replies)
  188. How in the fuck did Gandalf get to be moderator of this forum? (6 replies)
  189. People with Godlike Aim that have no movement. (29 replies)
  190. people taking advantage of each other (14 replies)
  191. FUCK BILL GATES!! (4 replies)
  192. Fucking Tree Hugging Hippies (7 replies)
  193. Credit To you All (7 replies)
  194. people who dont use turn signals (19 replies)
  195. LETHAL (13 replies)
  196. LPB's that play zp (41 replies)
  197. AT&T changing prices (4 replies)
  198. veterans players calling other players "n00bs" (50 replies)
  199. happy now (9 replies)
  200. how many peeps on a god damn soccer team? (11 replies)
  201. SealClubber and his petty little world! (42 replies)
  202. w0rd! (3 replies)
  203. assistant referee for the itily-croatia match (12 replies)
  204. HOLY SHIT! IT RETURNS!!!! (13 replies)
  205. Welcome to Flame Central! (38 replies)
  206. wtf ... stinky? (4 replies)