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11-13-2002, 11:35 PM
It was fun practicing with u guys( Arioch, Rav, Tinman and Mrfroste). Hope to do it again.

11-14-2002, 06:56 AM
I told you guys that Huntir would make a great target!!!! :evil:

11-14-2002, 07:00 AM
too bad u never find out u miss more than any of them Mozartt. Rav has a wicked aim though.

11-14-2002, 07:03 AM
Rav is teh iambot. :moon:

11-14-2002, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by HUNTIR
too bad u never find out u miss more than any of them Mozartt. Rav has a wicked aim though.

I'm going to so make you my little bitch!!!! :D

11-14-2002, 11:28 AM
yah GG's last night huntir, make sure you swing by the chan again sometime and we can do it again ;)

and if you think i have wicked aim, you must not have seen your partner tinny laying the smack down on me last night every time i found him. hehe

11-14-2002, 12:03 PM
But Tinny is all luck!!!! :0wn3d:

11-14-2002, 02:38 PM
GG's HUNTIR, and yes you definetly need to stop by the channel....as a matter of fact it's actually one of the requirements of all -CS MEMBERS- that they visit the channel on a semi regular basis. :D Another requirement is that -MEMBERS- keep current on the topics in the private forums, so you may want to spend some time there too! ......am I painting a picture here? :)

I could just say that last nights "good games" were part of a good tryout!

Here's a little something for you -------> [CS] wear it with pride!

Welcome to the family!

11-14-2002, 03:26 PM
Woooo hoooo
Congrats HUNTIR :D

I almost let you slip out with a flag a couple of times last night. I was thinkin Hmmm maybe i should let him go , so he looks good.

Then i was like naw, hes a gonner. ;) hes gonna have to earn that flag.:moon: :D

11-14-2002, 05:40 PM
? Huntir in [CS]? Man bad move, he is a noob!:0wn3d:

Just Kidding of course. Huntir is teh man. Arioch just sucks.

11-14-2002, 05:53 PM
I'm guessing Huntir's check cleared the bank??? :evil: Welcome to the group bro!!!

11-14-2002, 06:14 PM
yeah im just here, to give out towels and gatorade.

11-14-2002, 06:42 PM
Thanks guys I will put the tag on hopfully u will let me keep it.

Arioch I thought u handed out the jock straps??? and the soap ???

11-14-2002, 06:45 PM
oh bye the way I was wondering why I had access to the private forum???hehe. Now u guys are in some serious spamming trouble.;) :evil: ;)

11-14-2002, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by HUNTIR
oh Now u guys are in some serious spamming trouble.;) :evil: ;)

Coming from a guy with a massive 288 post count. http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/blackeye/lol.gif

11-14-2002, 08:16 PM
lol right.:stupid:

nope Huntir you get jockstap and footrub duties.:moon:

11-14-2002, 08:18 PM
could i get a footrub and a jock strap even if im not in the clan?

11-14-2002, 08:31 PM
hmmmm, well i guess so. "Huntir get over here"!

11-14-2002, 09:09 PM
Damn they're some fugly feet u got there QB whats up with the pink toenail polish?

11-15-2002, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by {NvTS}RetiredQB
could i get a footrub and a jock strap even if im not in the clan?

Sure but we only have extra large jock straps, you'll to stuff the front!!! :evil: