View Full Version : KaPuT

04-21-2002, 10:29 PM
I have decide to hang up my b2d gloves and pursue my professional bobsled team career. B2D has become a great clan with tones of talent that will not miss a old fart like me. best of luck to you and Kancer I was goign to email you but your email has eluded me and i will email u once me gets it.

kick some names and take some ass! yeah bitch


04-21-2002, 10:39 PM
You have been a true comrade man and as much as we will miss your presence with the team, I for one understand and support your decision. We wish you the best of luck with your endeavors and we all hope you dont become a stranger in mirc. We had a lot of good times fraggin together and those times will be missed, but as does reality, we all must move on at some time. Thanks for helping make B2D what it is bro, you were certainly a key player in forming us into what we have become. Good luck and as they might say in the foothills of the aborignal regoins of the South American bushwakcer and goat herder tribesman.."muk lick dooc kal lee, mole eek ahg dom!!" --->"Feed the damn goat, or be goat feed."

04-21-2002, 10:56 PM
youll be back... muhahaha

Good luck to you chicken, you have to come back and and hang with us though. We will miss you man. I can understand how ut is losing its appeal, but i am sure youll be back for ut2, i hope you join B2D again for UT2. GOOD LUCK MAN!


04-21-2002, 11:15 PM
You'll be missed man

I'll miss your funnyness d00d, but now i dont have to clean the fuckin carpet because you cant pee or poo no more!!! GL with your career and chill in b2d and chat once in awhile. You still havent got me back and you said you would "one day, one day".:(

04-22-2002, 04:45 PM
lol chicken
he'll be back.... if u look down teh posts...theres got to be another 2-3 post exactly like that :0

so i'll see ya around man :)

04-22-2002, 09:39 PM
i lub j00 chicken since ur RTL dayz and when i was the b2d n00bster!!

those dayz own
