View Full Version : New Video by Limp Bizkit. 'Eat You Alive'

09-01-2003, 06:14 PM
I dont' know what to think of the new song.....

......... (http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/limp_bizkit/artist.jhtml)

09-01-2003, 06:23 PM
Weird video...lame song (same old shit regurgitated).

Who's that actress in the chair? I've seen her before but can't remember her name.

09-01-2003, 10:39 PM
Hmmm, ok a few things. I've heard that song on the radio before, but I didn't even know that was Limp Bizkit, haha. Now, in regards to Buddha's question, I have no idea either :laugh:. I don't think I ever knew her name and I know I have seen her somewhere before, but I don't remember where. Also, I believe that guy at the end of the video is an actor as well, but I don't know his name either. He looks oddly familiar though.

09-01-2003, 11:34 PM
The girl ..I THINK..is from a movie called Ghost World.

The guy is DUH..Bill Paxton. Lot of movies he's been in. One of my favs he's been in recently is Fraility.

09-02-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by KegRun
The guy is DUH..Bill Paxton. Lot of movies he's been in. One of my favs he's been in recently is Fraility. Ahh, I knew it. I was thinkin the name "paxton" and I knew I had recognized him from a buncha different movies. :D

09-02-2003, 12:57 AM
I like Bill Paxton best as "Chet" (the older brother) in Weird Science. He's also fkn funny in True Lies as the super cheezy used car salesman/government spy. LOL.

He was in Twister too.

09-02-2003, 08:15 AM
"You turned my brother into a big pile of shit?"

09-02-2003, 09:07 AM
lmao...Wierd Science comes out on DVD this year!!!

Anyways..back on topic...That song reminds me of godsmack mixed with some other band i can't think of and then a little limp bizkit. I for one like Limp Bizkit. Some of the songs get me pumped up. Hopefully this song will grow on me and hopefully the cd will rock. They've had enough time to make a bad ass cd...so lets hope Durst's big ego didn't get in the way.

Oh..and congrats for Durst on losing a lot of weight.

09-03-2003, 07:19 AM
He boned Britney Spears, that's all that matters. :D

09-03-2003, 08:02 AM
That is some of the best Limp Bizkit I have heard. That new guitarist rocks. The video is quite good as well. The chick is Thora Birch, btw.

09-03-2003, 10:59 AM
New guitarist? Wtf! I liked the original one...

09-04-2003, 09:20 AM
I liked the original one too...but what can you do when he voluntarily leaves on his own free will..lol. you have to get a new geetarist.

09-04-2003, 09:50 AM
Bah...he musta been temporarily insane or had become allergic to m0ney.

09-04-2003, 10:39 AM
That dude who left is in the Blue Man Group. :laugh:

09-06-2003, 03:17 PM
I'mma sniff those panties!!!

09-25-2003, 02:18 AM
thora burch is hot. i like video because it is intense and how many videos do you see about a guy kidnapping a girl and who is obsessed about the chick to scary proportions. edgy ya know.

i generally hate limp bizkit but kind of like the new song. i have the new album (d/led on irc of course) but havent listened to it to know whether it is any good or not.

10-17-2003, 09:42 AM
Limp Bizkit sucks.

Rage rage. Blah blah. Rap rap. Scream scream.

Fred Durst is one angry fag!