View Full Version : How many techies in da howse?

05-23-2002, 04:55 PM
I work in tech support for stupid users. I don't think there are any "smart" users, smart users are usually promoted to tech support :)

So anybody know their bob code? Here's mine:

KCkP Wp IT!ATd PEWc B3 Odw ScnsM T- A4 H6omb b

Here's da linkage (so you can understand bob code):

http://bob.bob.bofh.org/~giolla/bobcode.html <- Direct linkage to bob code

http://tuxedo.org/jargon/html/entry/ <- Interestink schtuff regarding bob code

Has anybody besides me ever gotten so bored at work that ya' feel like you're running out of websites to go to? I'm there now. As far as I'm concerned, this is the end of the internet.

:wideeyes: :eek: