View Full Version : -=GoodBye Everyone=-

06-14-2002, 02:47 AM
Well this is hard for me, but I'm leaving the UT community forever. No, I will not return for UT2003. No, this is not a break. No, I will not hang out on IRC any longer. I'm never coming back, you will never see me again! Period.
I'm sorry, but this is the only way. You all are great friends and I feel bad to let you down, but every time I think about recent events I get too depressed to even look at my monitor.

My time in UT and it's community has now come to an end.

See you in the next life.

Nicole killed her own dumb self


06-14-2002, 03:03 AM
Uh...three words squished into one...WTF!?!?!?

Gus Gus
06-14-2002, 07:43 AM
have a good time nicole.

ps.She'll be back in i say one week;)

06-14-2002, 09:34 AM
As much fun as the game is, and as much fun as the clan scene can be, we've all been at the point where we've realized exactly how much this "community" can get under our skins. At such points, the natural and correct response is to step away from the screen and take a nice long break :)

I'll be truly sorry if this does turn into a permanent thing for you; you're a great player, but more than that you're a "community booster" and you'd be missed by lots of folks.

Anyway, good luck with your time away from UT. Drop in and say hi from time to time! :D

06-14-2002, 12:13 PM
guys I don't think she is kidding :(

- Nicole I am sorry if you think me letting wretched and sik back onto the public boards was the final betrayal but it was the right thing to do. Just because we feel that they "betrayed us" does not mean that we should do something worse. You have meant a lot to me and to this clan. I really wish you wouldn't leave... or would have at least given me a chance to talk to you instead of ignoring me the entire time of your leave of absence. You helped make nvts what it is today, and helped formed its identity. What you did cannot be replaced. You have been great for the community as well, and this forum is certainly going to miss you.

I will still remember how long it took me to convince you to join... you have been a great member and we will all miss having you around.

I still cant understand why you are leaving, none of us do, and I feel like that is much more of a "stab in the back" than what sik or especially what wretched did.

I wish you would respond on here because I am sure the other members will have something to say about this as well. If not...
have a good life and watch some seinfeld you will enjoy it ;)

06-14-2002, 12:33 PM
ps - check your pm

(christ bluehen)

06-14-2002, 12:42 PM

If you have to check yer pms - isn't it too late?

06-14-2002, 02:41 PM
Cya Nicole I didn't play with you much but from what I saw you were a good fragger and you definately seemed to be an active and important member of NvTS when I joined.
I know you don't want advice but I'd just like to mention that you should try not to take these kinds of things so hard, in the end it's just a game and it should all be about fun. When it's not fun you should stop playing but make sure to ask yourself "why is it not fun anymore?" usually I find my answer is I take the goings on too seriously. In the end it doesn't matter, instagib ladders aren't gonna make world peace or start wars.. it's all just so much recreation.
And even though I'm no clan-hopper I don't think people who join and leave without great reasons should be looked so down upon.. some people stay in one clan their whole careers some people have been in 20 and most people are somewhere in between. Remember, the key word is fun :)

06-14-2002, 04:38 PM


06-14-2002, 05:17 PM

1. An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games

I've been trying to figure out if I should post good things or say something not so nice so heres inbetween...YOU are taking this game waaaay to serious...Key word being game...When I was in NvTS the week or so I was in it I had alot of fun..You were a major part in making things run around here and for you to leave over me and sik is retarted...I dont even know if thats why your leaving but by QB's post I just guessed...You have to understand NvTS was like home for you and thats what PoD was for me...I thought I wanted something else but when I finally got something else all I wanted to do was go back home....Hell I know more about some of the PoD members than I do my own family :confused: I dont really know what to say but I wanted to say that I think it was WEAK of you to ban me and sik just because we left NvTS...Also on the pub board you made a post and I responded and you couldnt even reply to what I was asking cuz your mad?? Good thing qb's a good guy or I wouldnt have been able to come back and talk to the peeps I wanted to :) Half this probabally doesnt make sense but im in a hurry and i have to go to work so in short, I dont especially like you but I dont think you should leave UT or NvTS...


06-14-2002, 05:22 PM
Ohh ya I was also looking forward to playing you guys and tearing apart YOUR D just because you banned me...I dont even care if we win just as long as I wax u :) CYA LATER

06-14-2002, 08:13 PM
/me waves to wretch
Feel free to attempt to bring on the pain even if Nicole is no longer with us. Key word being "attempt" :evil: :D

06-14-2002, 08:56 PM
The wise linkage of yourself....

sorry Nicole :confused:
you will be missed

06-14-2002, 09:11 PM
Well, Nic and I had a few conversations about this I had a feeling over the past week this might be coming, because she didn't talk much to me as she had been as of late. I am at a loss for words, and besides she knows how I feel on the subject, so saying anything in this thread would be nothing but repetition. I will say, that she will definitely be missed, I haven't had so much fun talking with, joking around with, posting with, & playing with someone like her in awhile. People like her are a dime a dozen. I guess I can sum this up with this:


06-14-2002, 09:24 PM
yep this is sad news indeed :( however i personally dont htink you should let the actions of others ruin your ut fun, quit because you play it to much ect, like i may hehe, but dont let others ruin it, i mean you obviously enjoyed the game alot or you woudnt have played it, i hope you change you mind and come back, well except i wont get pwned by you anymore so thats good, but other then that get ya butt back to the game where it belongs, you too good to quit !! :( lsjgsajgh;a;lkjf;a:

06-14-2002, 10:30 PM
First off, before people speak of betrayal, lets just review a little bit. GAY retired from the ladders. QB asked me to join NvTS. I made my decision to come to NvTS based on QB being here. That's IT. I didn't even know anyone else in NvTS and wasn't planning on joining a clan right away.Then we started playing matches. QB, me, KingB, Jack, Jaz, Mouth, and Nicole. Things were great. Then everyone left! Did I put on a big display of theatrics? Did I post things like "1$ik kills himself" ? WTF is that?

Nicole, do what you said you are going to do, but don't do it for the attention you are seeking. Put the PC down and slowly back away. Go find some REAL people to have REAL relationships with. This is a freakin game and I'm sorry but nobody owes you squat.
How long did I know you? 2 months? I say "well, QB left, wtf! I want to go play with my clannies again"; and you act like some boyfriend of 8 years just ripped your heart out and spit in your face! "Oh my poor broken heart" :rolleyes: GET A LIFE.

I appreciate the proggies you hooked me up with and the help you gave me with them but this did not make us soulmates, peas in a pod, immortally locked together, or anything else. I already have a wife, (who is not amused at all of this) and your psycho headtrips will not fly here. Move on with it.

For the rest of you, sorry that was a bit harsh, but it obviously needs to be said. If it was you, I would think you would say your piece as well.
If you guys want to feed the disease, go ahead, but please leave me out of it ;)
I'm guessing I'll be banned again :D

06-15-2002, 12:43 AM
I was trying to say what $ik said just couldnt put it to words :) I didnt mean to offend anyone else in NvTS if I did sorry :)

/me waves to can

/me waves to $ik

/me waves to qb

/me waves to blue

/me is tired of waving :)

06-15-2002, 01:53 AM
My last 2 cents on all of this:

I know I joined this clan cause I enjoyed playing with everyone here and I think in the short time I've played this game I have improved a lot cause of everyone here. I dont think anyone here now disrespects anyone cause of the decisions they have made to move on or whatever.

Things happen, people move on. No one signs a contract when they join NvTS saying they are our property for a certain amount of time. Its not like football or baseball or hockey. In the short time Sik/Invictus was here, I tried my best to watch and learn from him because I respected his ability tremendously and he was a cool guy. He decided to move on to his old buddies and fire up GAY again. Thats cool - they are a great group too and I only wish them the best. He will always be welcome here to idle and talk or whatever. And we certainly appreciate the continued use of the ILAN server he has given us.

Wretched and Bender decided they wanted to stay with PoD. Thats cool too. I've only played with a few of them - Wretched, Nobody, Dark - but I like and respect them too. I didn't know both him and Sik had bans on this site or I would have removed them because that is just plain dumb IMO. Wretch is welcome to idle as well. And if I had to leave a clan for one reason or another, then found myself banned from talking on that site, I'd want to play my best against them too. Just know that ban didn't come from the majority of us.

Clans are clans and they are meant to be people who hang out together cause they like to and they have fun together. Some are more serious about the game and some are not. I think we try to be a bit of both. Take it for what its worth.

Now Nicole has been ripped, sometimes deservedly, in the posts above, but if you sit down and think about it you have to respect the devotion and intensity she had for this clan for the few months she was here. If you do, then maybe you can understand why she felt the way she did when many of the members she was playing with left. Im not saying it is right to feel that way, but you can understand. However, at the end of the day, you have to respect peoples decisions and move on and not take things so personal. This is a game I think we all play to have fun - sometimes it gets frustrating - but its nothing to freak out about. Thats all.

And on that note, this thread is moving on.

11-19-2002, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Nicole
Well this is hard for me, but I'm leaving the UT community forever. No, I will not return for UT2003. No, this is not a break. No, I will not hang out on IRC any longer. I'm never coming back, you will never see me again! Period.


11-19-2002, 08:25 PM
She couldn't run away from my loving forever now Spazzy :D

11-20-2002, 03:06 PM
Peace Nic do whats right...In fact Im glad NvTS hasnt kicked me out Ive been one lazy mofo :wideeyes: Im startin to find the fun in UT2k3...I used to just get mad when I played then I was like wtf I respawn after I die Ill just get revenge...so anyways always had fun w/ ya adios :cool:

11-20-2002, 03:13 PM
Er, uh,

gg_old thread?

11-20-2002, 04:02 PM

Whoa didn't read the other post... lol, sik thinks I wanted to fuck him or something?? Dood, get real, if anyone get's this body it's gonna by Hen :p

Sorry I had to read that, now I hate sik and wretched allll over again ;)

wow .. for the rest of you, I'm like in awe at the love you have shown me. Seriously, I love you all!

You guys are the sweetest and kindest people I know. I thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart. I respect you all more after reading these post again then I ever have. You have shown your true colors, and these are colors of love and caring. Thank you guys .. you have made my day today!!!! http://smilies.crowd9.com/contrib/tweetz/hug2.gif

Love Samantha

11-20-2002, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by {NvTS}Cannon_Fodder
Peace Nic do whats right...In fact Im glad NvTS hasnt kicked me out Ive been one lazy mofo :wideeyes: Im startin to find the fun in UT2k3...I used to just get mad when I played then I was like wtf I respawn after I die Ill just get revenge...so anyways always had fun w/ ya adios :cool:

rofl cannon, check out the date on that original post :laugh:

11-20-2002, 06:17 PM
Hehe, I didnt want to be mean, but I thought the same thing.

:laugh: :laugh:

11-20-2002, 06:50 PM
wtf now I have to check dates Die all of you =/

11-20-2002, 08:31 PM
/me gives cannon a warm hug :)

They're just mean! You didn't know, but thank you very much for the post, it was sweet, like you :)

11-20-2002, 09:52 PM
better hope the admissions people at harvard dont see this cannon.....

11-20-2002, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Nicole
Well this is hard for me, but I'm leaving the UT community forever. No, I will not return for UT2003. No, this is not a break. No, I will not hang out on IRC any longer. I'm never coming back, you will never see me again! Period.
I'm sorry, but this is the only way. You all are great friends and I feel bad to let you down, but every time I think about recent events I get too depressed to even look at my monitor.

My time in UT and it's community has now come to an end.

See you in the next life.

Nicole killed her own dumb self


:rolleyes: I think somebody was lying.

11-20-2002, 11:37 PM
I had a UT relaps!! Don't worry, I will get into a UT 12 step group soon ;)

/me promises

cross my heart!

11-21-2002, 12:45 AM
Now would probably be a bad time to mention that I think I'm applying to Harvard for grad school eh?

11-21-2002, 01:11 AM
omg, dont apply to harvard....who will be the fag that moderates igl then?

11-21-2002, 01:54 AM
i bet harvard has internet access king. moron.

11-21-2002, 01:59 AM
well no shit. i hate you. i quit the clan again. for the 10th time since yesterday. fu all go to hell

11-21-2002, 05:01 AM
being an aussie and all and this might be a stupid question but what the hell is wrong with Harvard?

11-21-2002, 07:35 AM
hrm, i say the people who go to harvard buy their way in, smart...yeah right. take the rich kid next door for instance, what an asshat, he definitely is a prime example of an idiot going to harvard. =P

/me waves to nicole

11-21-2002, 11:13 AM
eh, dubya went to yale

11-21-2002, 11:40 AM
ty, now its the kid next door who went to harvard =D

11-21-2002, 11:41 AM
nevertheless mommy and daddy still bought bush's way into yale, cause we all know he is as dumb as a brick, maybe even less intelligent than one.

11-21-2002, 12:20 PM
If they're bright they'll go to harvard.
If they're dumb as a brick but still are rich, they go to brown or yale :P

Although, not everyone at those schools are dumb ;)

11-21-2002, 03:51 PM
please let this thread die in piece ..dun make it another "qb is a n00b" thread ;)

11-21-2002, 04:24 PM

I have no interest in whoring this one, so it should soon die in peace.

/me huggles Nicole

11-21-2002, 05:46 PM
not if i am still around

11-21-2002, 06:33 PM
To sum it all up;

We all love nicole, she loves all of us :)
gg, thread closed ;)

11-27-2002, 01:10 PM
ahahaha... That thread owned...

and 1Sik's post... holy crap...

I am glad 2 see that Nicole, despite her theatrics, didn't kill herself over a game...

Anyway, thanks go out 2 who pointed this out 2 me... was well worth the laugh.. :)


11-27-2002, 03:45 PM
wow I didn't realize "forever" meant like 3 months.

11-28-2002, 05:23 PM
Jaz i thought you closed this thread! Do it now before more noobs invade it! :D