View Full Version : Financial Aid Increase

03-04-2005, 03:40 PM

Beginning next year, families making less than $45,000 will no longer have to pay tuition for their children, and those earning between $45,000 and $60,000 will see their required contributions drop an average of 50 percent, Yale said.

"The general message is that Ivy League schools are affordable," Yale President Richard Levin said. "This is a dream that can be achieved."

Levin said many qualified students don't bother applying to Yale because they figure their parents can't foot the tuition of about $41,000 a year, including room, board and other fees. But about 40 percent of undergraduates receive financial aid, with an average award this year of $22,000.

The average family earning less than $60,000 will save about $2,700 under the new plan, the university said. It estimated the changes will cost about $3 million, and will be paid for by using interest from the school's $12.7 billion endowment and with money saved on operating expenses.

03-04-2005, 06:19 PM
that's awsome. My youngest sister attends Columbia University in Chicago, and when I took a look at her books and tuition I almost fainted. She pays 31,000 per semester (well she doesn't) Her step dad pays it all, but still DAMN! I can't even imagine being accepted at Yale or Harvard and not going becuase you can't afford it. Talk about getting the wind knocked out of your sails.

03-04-2005, 11:21 PM
yeah i was surprised by the article, i had to post it. i hope it stays that way so my kids could take advantage of the offer when they are of age. but you know how things go...some good things just dont last that long. :\

03-07-2005, 08:53 AM
thats why i didnt apply to any ivy league schools. they cost too damn much. as it was i went to a school that costed like $25,000 a year.