View Full Version : Xfire's response

03-11-2005, 04:47 PM
I talked with Mike Cassidy, CEO of Xfire, a few minutes ago. Here is the Xfire side of things:

- Xfire was contacted in April 2004 by Yahoo about possibly collaborating, basically meaning that Yahoo would integrate the Xfire technology into Yahoo's GameProwler. (Yes, I'd never heard of GameProwler until now either.) After a meeting or two, the talks broke down for various reasons and nothing was said of it.

- At around 5:00pm (closing time) on Thursday, January 27th, Xfire received a call from Yahoo stating that they were suing Xfire for patent infringement. There was no cease and desist letter or any other normal method of contacting Xfire made by Yahoo. The lawsuit was filed the following morning. There are a few issues with this: 1) The lead engineer at Xfire was an engineer at Yahoo and, while he was at Yahoo, he wrote the patent, meaning he knows exactly what will and what won't break it and, 2) the collaborative meeting last April bewtween the two companies now seems fishy as hell.

- Since the lawsuit was filed, Xfire has attempted multiple settlement methods in an attempt to get the case dropped. They include, but are not limited to, 1) offering to let Yahoo engineers view the source code so that they can see there is no patent infringement, and 2) allow a neutral third party to arbitrate the hearings and abide by the arbitrator's ruling. Yahoo has not responded to any offer either through their lawyers or any other means.

- Xfire has since filed a countersuit claiming, in layman's terms, that Yahoo is posing a frivilous lawsuit against Xfire in an attempt to put them out of business or force them to sell their technology way under the fair market value. Mike says it would cost around $2 million if the thing went to court, and that's $2 million they don't have. They have two VCs that fund the project, but asking for additional funds with a patent infringement lawsuit looming over your head is not easy.

In Mike's own words, Yahoo is purposely doing this because they are trying to get more in to the gaming scene. They have quietly acquired AllSeeingEye (sort of like Xfire but more like Gamespy Arcade) as well as a mobile phone game developer. The technology in Xfire would give them a big "in" with hardcore gamers (and lord knows how many extra banner ads we would get). The lawsuit, in the words of Mike, would easily be won by Xfire, but trying to pay for it would put the company under. The countersuit, if successful, would end the whole affair. The irony, of course, is that if Yahoo wants to get into the gaming scene, the worst way to do it is to piss off the hardcore gamers using a popular tool.

Anyway, I'll keep you updated. If Yahoo decides to return my calls/emails (it's amazing what phone numbers you can get if you know enough people :P), then we'll get their side of the story as well.

As it stands now, Yahoo is just fucking up big time by trying to bully a small upstart. If Yahoo wants to pay fair market value and Xfire agrees, fine. If they want to put a frivilous lawsuit in the mix, they're just hurting their standing in the very community they're desperately trying to enter.


Ps -- When I called, Mike answered the phone, "Man, I'm glad we fixed those column widths." lol...

03-11-2005, 05:03 PM
Fuck those assholes. I have a Yahoo account. I am going to check it for email one last time and I cam cancelling the fucking thing. Typical suites trying to do whatever it takes to make more money at the expense of not only another company, but loyal consumers as well. I hope to god this bites them in the ass big time.

03-11-2005, 05:33 PM
** This is only a notification. You do NOT need to respond. **

This email is to confirm that your Yahoo! account, "jayteeflies,"
has been recently terminated per your request. Your account
has been deactivated and will be deleted from our user registration
database in approximately 90 days. This delay is necessary to
discourage users from engaging in fraudulent activity. To satisfy
terms agreed to in the Yahoo! Finance Terms of Service, personal
information for users subscribed to Yahoo! Finance Premium
Services will be kept by Yahoo! for at least 3 years after the
subscription date.

03-11-2005, 05:36 PM
Here is my farewell email to everyone on my yahoo contact list....

Hello everyone.

Some of you I have not gotten emails from on this yahoo account for some time. Others I have gotten a few. As many of you know, my main email address is struss@rimjaw2k.com

The time has come for me to get rid of this account. So, from this point forward, any email you send to this address, steve_truss@yahoo.com, will not get to me. Why you may ask? Well, as it turns out, yahoo has decided to slap a lawsuite against a startup software company for whoms product I use daily. The lawsuite is completely frivolous and typical of why so many of us gripe about big companies bullying their smaller competition. In leu of their claims and their selfish actions, I am hereby boycotting yahoo in every aspect. I will no longer visit their site, nor anytime again in the future use their Intstant Messenger application. Basically, they can go to hell. My only hope at this point is that the countersuite being drawn to combat their claims is successful and in the long run depricates whatever objective they had planned on achieving through this unrightous claim.

If you are curious as to what application I am referring to, it is called Xfire. It is similar to Yahoo Messenger as it is an instant messaging application, but from the ground up was developed around the online computer gamming community. It has created a new portal for the way us gamers function online and provides an outstanding service to us free of charge. It would be a down right shame for the likes of Yahoo to bring down something that has worked so well for now over a million users, one of which is myself.

I encourage you to sign the online petition to help put an end to these ridiculous actions. Every little bit helps and even if you don't want anything to do with Xfire, do it for me!! =]


Anyway, if you don't already use it, please change your contact information for me and update it to use my primary email account, which again is, struss@rimjaw2k.com

Thank you for hearing me out.

03-11-2005, 05:41 PM
Oh and if you have an account it's hard to find but here's the link:


03-11-2005, 05:44 PM
I will also encourage everyone to do as Xfire asks. Write a big nasty email to Yahoo stating your displeasure about this whole thing. Here are the contacts as posted on Xfires site...

1. Tell Yahoo What You Think
Let Yahoo know what you think of its lawsuit by contacting its PR and Investor Relations teams.

Investor Relations Contacts:

Sabrina Crider, Yahoo! Inc., sabrinaf@yahoo-inc.com

Media Relations Contacts:

Brian Nelson, Yahoo! Inc., bnelson@yahoo-inc.com
Terrell Karlsten, Yahoo! Inc., terrellk@yahoo-inc.com

03-11-2005, 08:14 PM
Anyone that would like a gmail account let me know. I have 50 invites and I certainly don't mind passing them out especially for things like this. You can either post here or email me at jen.paulus@gmail.com.

03-11-2005, 08:39 PM
Yahoo sucks... The only thing good about yahoo is Launch, everything else is just sh*t that you can find better anywhere else.

03-11-2005, 09:42 PM
If Sasha runs out, there are more of us with gmail invites available so just ask.

03-14-2005, 01:00 PM
i have like a hundred invites or something.

crappy thing is that if yahoo wins people may still be pissed but will still probably use the software. ie. microshaft and so many others.