View Full Version : More CPL Fun...

03-30-2005, 04:46 PM
Many people are planning on coming to town for this summer's CPL (7/6 - 7/10), so I figured I'd pass along a few tips about being a good houseguest in case you end up at my place or JT's for an evening.



- Always help your hosts after dinner: Offer to clear the table, wash the dishes, or teach them to cook.

- Ensure that you do not overstay your welcome by asking your host if you are overstaying your welcome every couple of minutes.

- Avoid an awkward moment later on by telling your host upfront that you're a bedshitter.

- Playing your host's stereo at top volume after midnight is rude. Bring your own boombox.

- Don't just act like a guest in someone's house. Be a guest in someone's house.

- It's considered good form to replace any cats you drown.

- Cooking a meal for your host is a nice gesture, but ordering a pizza and offering to chip in for your part is way easier.

- Always wait until your hosts have gone to bed before masturbating.

- Should an unfamiliar household situation arise, do not speak. Stare blankly at a fixed point on the wall until it all blows over.

- Don't monopolize the bathroom: Take sponge baths in the kitchen sink, and pee in a bottle and hide it under the bed.

- It's customary to take a souvenir from your host's home as a reminder of your wonderful stay.

03-30-2005, 06:01 PM
I'm going to stay at Kevin's one night and take the Roland 303, 808, or 909 (or all three if available) as a reminder of my stay. :D

03-30-2005, 10:50 PM
Doesnt kevin own a cat?

03-31-2005, 05:46 AM
He's had a few guests over so he's on Fluffy #5.