View Full Version : Czechmate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-15-2005, 06:40 PM
DUDE since you have the hookups, please please please inform Ronin and I when/if you get a chance to review/beta test the SiN2 game!!! www.sinepisodes.com

If there are openings for beta testings count me in! =]

the first SiN was an awesome game but HL stole it's thunder and that's where Ronin and I began gaming.

This is too cool that they are making another.

07-15-2005, 07:40 PM
fanboy! :D

07-16-2005, 09:16 AM
DUDE since you have the hookups, please please please inform Ronin and I when/if you get a chance to review/beta test the SiN2 game!!! www.sinepisodes.com

If there are openings for beta testings count me in! =]

the first SiN was an awesome game but HL stole it's thunder and that's where Ronin and I began gaming.

This is too cool that they are making another.

yeah man...you gotta keep us in the loop on this one. Remember...I know where you live now!!!

07-16-2005, 12:27 PM
All I remember from that game was playing the demo and getting in a heliopter and mowing some bad guys down with the door gun. I never played the full game.

07-23-2005, 08:14 PM
Sin Episodes will run on the Source engine (same as Half Life 2) and will use the Steam content delivery system.


07-23-2005, 08:17 PM
Game screeneis:


They'd look better if they took them with AA turned on...

07-24-2005, 11:22 AM
yeah, but it's sin! the gameplay on the original was superb

07-27-2005, 10:39 PM
Assuming it's Ritual making it, I'll get you guys in on it. Just remind me via email.


08-01-2005, 05:27 PM
Here's the email chain between Richard (Levelord) and I. When I have new info, you'll know. Damn fanboys. ;)


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Kevin Rice [mailto:sbddsl@swbell.net]
>>Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 5:10 PM
>>To: Richard Gray
>>Subject: Sin 2
>>Is it you guys that are working on Sin 2? If so, what can you provide
>>as far as coverage material?

Richard Gray wrote:

>>...hey, Kevin! Who else would be working on a SiN project? ... ;)
>>Actually, we are working on SiN:Episodes, an episodic (18 hours gameplay per installment, $19 price point) delivered on Valve's Steam (digital distribution).
>>Coverage material? For whom exactly? (sorry, brain is dead right now;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Rice [mailto:sbddsl@swbell.net]
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 5:18 PM
To: Richard Gray
Subject: Re: Sin 2

Computer Games Magazine. And hi! :)


Gray, Richard wrote:

...I suspected CGW, but as I remember you were independent ;)

Shit, let me check. The only hard part is getting exclusive art. What are you thinking, interviews and such?

I would LOVE to get you over here for some playtesting, which should be soon.

Let me know exactly what you want, bro, and I'll step on it personally ;)

08-01-2005, 06:59 PM
Must suck to be you.

08-01-2005, 08:07 PM
I dunno about that marketing/pricing. One dollar/hour sounds good, but HL2 took me months of off & on gameplay and it cost $50.

08-02-2005, 12:39 PM
I would say that $1/hour is a great price. I am sure I would have gotten my 50 bucks worth out of HL2. I just didn't pay for it since it came with one of my new comp purchases. I'm sure it didn't take much more than that to finish it. That Sin looks like a winner though! I'm so excited about the new FPS games coming out!