View Full Version : The problem with fanatics

08-24-2005, 02:08 PM
Afraid of alienating the hardline fanatical religious base that put them in power, the leaders of the country decline to rebuke calls for assassination or make attempts to quell the fanatics from stirring public unrest; instead only stating that "they speak only for themselves". By not cracking down on the religous hardliners in the face of these calls to war (also known as jihad), they send a message to the entire world that the fanatics are indeed in control of the government.

Where is this country? Iran? Pakistan?
Think again...


08-25-2005, 09:27 AM
anyone who has listened to the 700 club and pat robertson and not been completely disgusted by the man is either grossly ignorant or stupid or completely blind. he preaches hate and judgement and superiority.

08-25-2005, 12:52 PM
Yeah, I heard about this on fox news, what a moron! lol These are the same type of people that think we can control everyone around the world and be "imperialist right wing war mongers" and kill anyone we want, when we want, just because we are "AMERICA THE GREAT".. Pat Robertson is getting senile! He needs to be taken off the air!!

08-25-2005, 01:11 PM
my comments earlier were harsh although they are how i feel and i hope i didnt offend anyone here.

08-25-2005, 03:11 PM
Well we all know that Pat Robertson would be sending young boys to blow themselves up if he was born in Syria or Afganistan, but what really freaks me out is that the US Government didn't come right out and denounce this guy, call him a crackpot, and publicly announce that they've added him to the terrorist watchlist. If someone was spouting that stuff in another country, the US would demand nothing less.

Instead the administration mumbles some doubletalk about assassination not being their policy (http://forums.mightymustangs.net/style_emoticons/default/bs.gif) and Robertson's civil rights and hopes for some other tragedy to hit the news and wash it all away.


Btw, I'm not saying we shouldn't assassinate that guy.

08-25-2005, 04:24 PM
The guy is a freak, and the sad part is that he actually has a following.

08-25-2005, 05:11 PM
the 700 Club is just a front for a televised cult following, nothing else of importance comes from that

08-25-2005, 05:46 PM
Actually they are very important, to George Bush and the Republicans.

Those are the people that got him elected, and will get the next Republican elected over those dirty hippy Democrats.

The Christian Coalition is a political machine and the 700 Club is it's grandstand.

08-25-2005, 06:30 PM
I say someone take out Pat Robertson...

08-25-2005, 08:45 PM
go for it buddha. you have access to a plane...

08-25-2005, 08:46 PM
Actually they are very important, to George Bush and the Republicans.

republicans dont matter either :P

08-25-2005, 08:54 PM
I say someone take out Pat Robertson...

Umm... this is the opinion of BuddhaMan. The US Government does not necessarily have any official plans to assassinate Pat Robertson.

08-25-2005, 09:15 PM
shhhh.... :D

I'm just saying from his perspective he thinks that dope down in South America is a radical...well, some other peeps think Robertson is a radical and a dope.

Pick your poison.

08-25-2005, 09:58 PM
If you guys seriously believe all that you have read and that the media hasn't embellished this story by far you are seriously mistaken. I am not saying that Pat Robertson doesn't have some sort of fanatical beliefs because I do agree he does, however he has prided himself for many many years on the conservation of life and all that implies, to suggest "an assasination" would make him a hypocrite of his own beliefs and I quite honestly would like to see the exact footage that this supposedly came from. Yet once again lets look at the source.

08-25-2005, 10:10 PM
lol who's willing to watch an episode of the 700 club? :eek:

08-25-2005, 10:15 PM
pat needs to be shot off a cannon. what an asshat! here is a quote from this article.

In October 2003, he suggested that the State Department be blown up with a nuclear device.

He has also said that feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

08-25-2005, 10:49 PM
I didn't say you had to watch the show, but obviously the idea that Pat Robertson is promoting this idea came from somewhere and also since none of you here actually watch the show you can only have assumptions and believe everything you read about him. Again, he is a pro-lifer and ALL that implies hard core. I am not saying he didn't say it or promote, but understanding and knowing what I do know about him, I just have to question it.

08-25-2005, 11:42 PM
I have watched the 700 Club many times.He and his followers are fruitcakes, plain and simple.


08-25-2005, 11:54 PM
rofl! a PRO-LIFER talking about taking the life of another human being! "we have the ability to take him out i think the time has come to exercise that ability...", "its a whole lot cheaper than starting a war "..., yeah he's by no means an extremist himself...:lol: there is the proof there! thanks for the link Sikky! ;) talk about being the epitome of an oxyMORON!

08-26-2005, 05:58 AM
Well stop the questioning because nothing he said was taken out of context from what I just watched.

Good going Robertson you asshat. This just adds to "the other side's" reasons for jihad and killing all non-muslin interlopers into Iraq.

08-26-2005, 08:20 AM
the article i read was on fox news and was a direct quote sasha. i knew you would defend robertson though. i dont mean that as an incendiary comment i just figured you would due to past conversations about the 700 club. i will repeat, he preaches hate and judgement. i will never forget the time he told a woman to not let her husband's elderly parents live with them because they were hindu and just might expose her children to an evil idol. i quote here, "you are inviting satan into your home."

08-26-2005, 08:22 AM
did you guys know robertson markets health products? how many advertisements and endorsements are in one of his shows? its religious fanatacism for the masses who they try and bleed dry. they really care about them? bullshit, they are out trying to make a buck through their fundamentalism.

08-26-2005, 11:54 AM
omg i actually ran across that one show artis! switching channels without a guide sucked but hearing what he had to say about "inviting satan into your home" was the last draw to mistakenly watch that asshat's show. ridiculous to say such shit, the fcc should have cancelled his show a long time ago! :mad:

08-26-2005, 12:44 PM
hahaha! what an ASSHOLE! he is trying to retract his statements now saying that he never mentioned assissination! "take him out" could mean many things. LoL does he mean he wants to take him out on a date? :eek: here's the link http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050824/ap_on_re_us/robertson_assassination_3

08-26-2005, 01:08 PM
he actually did use the word assasination. he claimed he didnt but then said yes he did and he is sorry.

08-26-2005, 02:14 PM
rofl! a PRO-LIFER talking about taking the life of another human being! "we have the ability to take him out i think the time has come to exercise that ability...", "its a whole lot cheaper than starting a war "..., yeah he's by no means an extremist himself...:lol: there is the proof there! thanks for the link Sikky! ;) talk about being the epitome of an oxyMORON!

pro-life doesn't mean people don't deserve to die. it simply means that they deserve the chance of being born so that they can make decisions that allow us to determine if they should live or die :)

08-26-2005, 02:20 PM
well i guess your explanation is not the meaning i go by. ;)

08-26-2005, 02:34 PM
a lot of pro-life people are also for capital punishment which is an interesting thing.

in this discussion i think some are using pro-life to describe a general attitude towards everything while others are using it to refer to one's view on abortion.

08-26-2005, 02:53 PM

08-26-2005, 03:52 PM
Hey jackass! I found that on Google and used it in another thread you posted in!

Quit using my material and quit being lazy and not using the Google image search yourself! :finger: :D

08-26-2005, 05:37 PM

08-26-2005, 05:57 PM
That squirrel IS an attention whore! :D

08-26-2005, 08:30 PM
the article i read was on fox news and was a direct quote sasha. i knew you would defend robertson though. i dont mean that as an incendiary comment i just figured you would due to past conversations about the 700 club. i will repeat, he preaches hate and judgement. i will never forget the time he told a woman to not let her husband's elderly parents live with them because they were hindu and just might expose her children to an evil idol. i quote here, "you are inviting satan into your home."

I wasn't defending him at all. In fact I even said he was a fanatic. My entire point was not to always believe everything you hear from the media; go and research it for yourself. But your all so hung up on getting your own thoughts out you didn't bother to listen to what I said.

08-26-2005, 09:24 PM
Even though Pat is an ultra-conservative, he should take note of and heed my new sig. :D

08-26-2005, 09:27 PM
lol send him an email through the 700 Club!

08-26-2005, 09:57 PM
LMAO @ this thread!!!

Sasha you cant seriously believe that the media is being bias on this story? I mean it was on basicly every freaking major news channel.. Also what is there to be bias about? All they did is repeat what he said on his own show. Even showing the clip of him saying it..

08-26-2005, 10:04 PM
ok guess what.. I wasn't defending him.. and thats the second time I had to say it .. but ok....coming from you who believes everything good about M. Moore.. lmao :curseout:

08-26-2005, 10:39 PM
lol ...Moore is nothing like this guy... Stop defending him! Seriously..Unlike more he is talking about taking someone out.. as in killing them.. TOTALLY DIFFERENT! thats something moore has not done!! So dont compare the two ok.. Thank you.

08-26-2005, 10:49 PM
sasha, why would you say to go research what he said if you didnt doubt whether or not he said what was reported?

if you arent defending him then i apologize for saying you were.

my view of pat robertson is pretty strongly against so...

08-26-2005, 10:50 PM
also buddha, your sig is great until it mentions liberal pussies....

08-26-2005, 11:11 PM
lol ...Moore is nothing like this guy... Stop defending him! Seriously..Unlike more he is talking about taking someone out.. as in killing them.. TOTALLY DIFFERENT! thats something moore has not done!! So dont compare the two ok.. Thank you.

It is obvious you didn't read anything I posted. Who is defending him, reread it.. and no its really not any different. Grow up.

No Artis I wasn't defending him. I, unlike some others, was simply saying that when you hate someone and what they stand for, it is quite easy to believe anything written about them without wondering if it were actually true or not. I questioned the media.. god forbid! That was my point before the majority of the people here jumped on some unfounded bandwagon, really it was quite amusing to realize that you guys just skip right over everything I said in order to get your point out. It probably took you all.. what .. 3 seconds to hit reply? lol.

08-26-2005, 11:47 PM
Come on Sasha.. :lol: I saw it myself... What is the media doing here? Oh and Actually, I read all your posts. You are producing a weak argument about the media being bias when reporting this story.. You are trying to deflect what was really said by Robertson and blame the media in some way. Maybe your not defending him but your not condemning him that much either.. Kinda like the white house! LOL..I personally think you are defending him..

P. S.

Yeah, you're really grown up !! :finger:

08-26-2005, 11:58 PM
Oh and here is the video of him saying that.. if you have missed it..


You need real one player to view it..

08-27-2005, 12:38 AM
also buddha, your sig is great until it mentions liberal pussies....

ROFL! that's the BEST part of his sig! :P

08-27-2005, 05:47 AM
I was thinking of trimming the liberal part out last week when I made the switch since the upper part applies to all "armchair experts" and that's my target audience so it applies to Robertson too.

08-27-2005, 12:29 PM
i apologized for saying you were defending him sasha so id appreciate it if you removed your foot from my ass. geezus.

i read 3 articles in 3 different publications about what robterson said and saw another 3 headlines from 3 other news outlets. the sources i used were both liberal and conservative and neutral. that and he apologized for saying what he did. thats pretty strong proof that he did indeed say to assassinate the guy.

i hear what you are saying about letting your opinions of someone jump you to a hasty conclusion and taking the media with all its vices into consideration.

however, i think he is a scumbag and this just further proves that in my mind.

who knows, maybe he is a really nice guy but at some point you have to look at all the "wrong" actions of someone and start wondering about whether or not they are a good person or not.

08-27-2005, 12:46 PM
I think Pat Robertson is a prophet of Jehovah.

Noted Climatologist Pat Robertson said at a recent Intelligent Design Weather Symposium that he believes that Florida's hurricane problems are due to the devil.

"We have insulted God with legal abortion and restrictions on religion in public places. Then we say 'why does this happen?' Well, why it's happening is that God Almighty is lifting his protection from us. Florida is just seething with Godless Cubans and Satan worshipping Catholic Mexicans. By turning our backs on Jesus, we have let God unleash the Devil down there."

Mr. Robertson was heckled by protesters who were claiming "Global Warming" to be the cause. They were written off by Mr. Robertson as liberals and Satan loving homosexuals off the record. On the record Mr. Robertson said:

”Their science couldn’t possible be right. Their computer model shows that the Earth is billions of years old and every Christian knows that’s a Commie lie. Look, God only made the universe and the Earth which it revolves around about 6,000 years ago. It is a proven fact, just look in Genesis.”

Mr. Robertson is set to release his findings in more detail later this year at the conference for The National Christian Science Foundation.


08-27-2005, 03:58 PM
Come on Sasha.. :lol: I saw it myself... What is the media doing here? Oh and Actually, I read all your posts. You are producing a weak argument about the media being bias when reporting this story.. You are trying to deflect what was really said by Robertson and blame the media in some way. Maybe your not defending him but your not condemning him that much either.. Kinda like the white house! LOL..I personally think you are defending him..

P. S.

Yeah, you're really grown up !! :finger:

Since I don't feel like logging into my own account to say this.. god Graa you are really a fucking moron. Pat Robertson wasn't even the issue. The issue I took up was that people believe anything they are told about people they despise whether it be true or not, in this case ya he did say it, but did you actually have proof of it before everyone here said something about it? God Graaa your such a jackass sometimes and I won't apologize for that.

Artis, really my foot wasn't up your ass, truthfully, sorry you took my post as mean or spiteful.. unlike Graa I actually respect what you say and if my foot was up your ass you would know it. :)

08-27-2005, 11:02 PM
Pat Robertson is a maniac and a menace. If anyone has ever read his book "A New World Order" could attest to the madness that this guy has.

He basically is in the art of selling snake oil to Christians and making them believe that the world is against them. The best thing he does is rob them of their money to continue this cause.

If you want some real insight on this man, read that book, but whatever you do, DO NOT BUY IT. It means only more money going into his hate mongering pockets, just to influence more and more of this countries ignorant.

In all honesty, I really want to know where all these friggin people come from. The Pat Robertson's, Rush Limbaughs, Ann Coulters, Al Frankens, Micheal Moores of the world. This country would be such a better place if they were all rangled up togethers, thrown into a large pit and handed crude tools to fight to the death, all the while it was broadcasted on TV with a scrolling marquee at the bottom that read;


08-27-2005, 11:53 PM
I'd pay $29.95 + tax to watch that live on PPV!

If anyone survives they get a lethal injection.

08-28-2005, 04:14 AM
Since I don't feel like logging into my own account to say this.. god Graa you are really a fucking moron. Pat Robertson wasn't even the issue. The issue I took up was that people believe anything they are told about people they despise whether it be true or not, in this case ya he did say it, but did you actually have proof of it before everyone here said something about it? God Graaa your such a jackass sometimes and I won't apologize for that.

Artis, really my foot wasn't up your ass, truthfully, sorry you took my post as mean or spiteful.. unlike Graa I actually respect what you say and if my foot was up your ass you would know it. :)

:lol:..why log into hexums account? I don't get you? You cant believe that the media would go through all the trouble of producing a fake video of him saying that stuff? Would you? If its true why shouldn't I believe it? It came out of his own mouth on national TV! Did you watch the clip I posted or are you thinking I'm posting bias media? Gezz don't be so paranoid about the news! They do have non opinion pieces sometimes!

08-28-2005, 08:44 AM
She didn't log into Hex's account...he was already logged in on his machine and she used it.

08-28-2005, 12:41 PM
i bet pat robertson has a thing against midgets too. what an asshole, sheesh.

08-28-2005, 01:38 PM
Midgets? Who doesn't! I mean really...Randy Newman said it best, "Short people got no reason to live"

08-28-2005, 07:01 PM
whatever pat robertson jr!

08-29-2005, 09:34 AM

08-29-2005, 10:58 AM
robertson living his life as christ would. "kill the bastard!" lol