View Full Version : The November 2005 column

08-29-2005, 06:48 PM
I wonder what inspired this column. :P (This is how it goes into the editor, except in a Word document.)


Choice Words
(Technicalities 11/05, by Kevin Rice)

“u r definatly stoopid” “no u r” “quite n00b”

Not too long ago, I conducted a not-so-scientific test on my friends in a message board. I purposely picked apart one of the posts that had what I would consider a few egregious errors. Some were spelling related, some were grammar related, and so on. These are all friends that I play online games with, so I figured the reaction would be one of, “Oh STFU :)” or something equally befriending. It turns out I was wrong.

Some of the people (namely, the person I picked on and her boyfriend) were downright defiant about it. Some others agreed with me, in that proper spelling and grammar is important. Still others were relatively apathetic about the whole thing. That thread lasted for a few days and I thought that was the end of it. Again, it turns out I was wrong.

A few weeks later, I made a post that contained an error. I’m usually pretty anal retentive about such things (I have the nickname “grammar whore” in that circle of friends), but being human, a mistake slipped through. Now, two weeks prior, this wouldn’t have been anything. This time, however, people (especially those I had chastised before) relished in the fact that I made a mistake. Me! The grammar whore! One comment even suggested the existence of God because of my mistake.

At this point, it was mission accomplished as far as I was concerned. Whereas this particular group of people was completely apathetic before, they were now watching for errors, both mine and their own.

While I know that I’ll never get everyone to agree with the importance of spelling and grammar (Holden Caufield told us this lesson), there is a curious amount or stoicism toward this subject, both during online games and on message boards. It’s understandable that full sentences and proper punctuation have no place in the heat of battle. The requisite “gl hf” (good luck, have fun) at the beginning of a match, the admitting “ns” (nice shot) during the match, and the ending “gg” (good game) at the end are all expected. You simply don’t have time to type when you’re reloading and ducking.

What is strange is when these acronyms and other slang creep into posts and online games where the typist has some time to think about things. I know that there’s an entire community built around “leet speak” and so forth, but this is different. There is a pervasive amount of grievous misspellings, blatant grammatical mistakes, poor sentence structure, and more.

It’s usually easy enough to figure out what people mean. The scarier issue is that many of these people don’t even realize what they are doing. For the most part, English is their native tongue, but ask the difference between “there”, “their”, and “they’re”, and you’ll either be called a very “creative” name or told to shut up. The (corrected) excuses I’ve received are gems such as, “It’s just with my friends” and “I only do that on the message boards.” Other perennial favorites include, “Who the hell cares” and “Everyone else does it.” The answers are, in order, I’m your friend, you also do that in email, I care, and no, not everyone does it.

Now, I realize that I’m a stickler for such things, but the unfortunate part is that people should care. Many of the people I deal with are college aged if not older, and whether or not they will admit it or realize it, how they write both in public and in private is a reflection of who they are. Someone that writes clearly, concisely, and correctly comes across as better educated and more intelligent, even if that’s not true. People that misspell words and make obvious grammatical errors come across as dimwitted and undereducated, even if that too is not true.

There is a certain social structure that dictates such beliefs. Like him or not, our President is constantly ridiculed for his often interesting choice of words. He’s portrayed as a buffoon, a thick-skulled moron. Now look at former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Agree with him or not, he came across as intelligent and well thought-out. Whether it’s realized by us or not, this same principle crosses into most forms of communication, including how we interact with friends, colleagues, and so on. And yes, it happens online too.

This isn’t to say to say that online matches should start with, “Good day sir. Best of luck to you and yours. Have at you!” There is a time and a place for both kinds of typing. However, the impasse is in people giving a damn one way or the other. I know I’m not alone in being a nitpicker on this topic, and I also know there’s an endless stream of excuses for continuing with it. Unless you’re a polyglot and English is your fourth language (and I’m looking at you, Euro-players), there’s really no valid excuse for an educated adult to type like a third grader. There is definatly no reason at all.

Turd Furgeson
08-29-2005, 06:53 PM
ur such a n00b f4gg07

08-29-2005, 07:04 PM
Kevin: that battle was already lost years ago...you're just late getting to the war.

08-29-2005, 07:24 PM
eye bee smart :)

08-29-2005, 07:29 PM
Actually I think Kevin has a point. And, n00blet Buddha, its one that should be brought up again and again because the more we let our younger players get away with it in game the more likely they are to keep using poor grammer, spelling and punctuation elsewhere. I used to get major amounts of crap for pointing things like this out to my players and on Instagib.com.

The battle should not be considered lost nor should it be given up as hopeless. Good job Kevin for firing off the latest salvo.

08-29-2005, 07:47 PM
Was that supposed to be "quite noob" in the tagline, or "quiet noob"?

08-29-2005, 08:27 PM
It's an on purpose misspelling of "quiet". Get it? ;) I couldn't resist the double meaning.


08-29-2005, 09:01 PM
Just wanted to make sure it wasn't some noob editor messing up your stuff.

08-29-2005, 09:27 PM
omg, please

Turd Furgeson
08-29-2005, 09:33 PM
I believe you mean, "omg plz!" Hex.

08-29-2005, 09:46 PM
Why the "omg, please" comment? That really is the column, and it really will be published. :)


Ps -- This is an email from Sui. (Nothing personal, so if Sui gets mad, kiss it bitch. :P And note that 'misspell' is misspelled. lol)


definatly gud ove ju 2 cend dis 2 us kehvin.

I bet if this is published, you'l receive several
emails/letters commenting on your (purposeful)
mispelling of the word, 'definatly'. However, they
will think you didn't mean to mispell it.

Ah, the wonderful retards of the American Public.
Gotta love em'.

You actually touched on an extremely expensive topic.
The following is a quote:

This year, the commission surveyed human resource
directors who oversee nearly 2.7 million state
government employees, and found writing skills even
more important than in the private sector. While
two-thirds of companies surveyed in the 2004 report
said writing was an important responsibility for
workers, 100 percent of the 49 states responding to
the anonymous survey said it was. More than 75 percent
said they take writing skills into account when

But while 70 percent of state managers said large
majorities of their professional employees had
adequate skills, just one-third said clerical and
support staff did. The report estimates the states
spend $221 million annually on remedial writing
training, sometimes sending workers to
$400-per-employee classes.

- sui

08-29-2005, 09:57 PM
Kevin only you would turn such a stupid thing into a whole column worth of BS or is that bs.. or is that just Bullshit with a capital B. If your honestly that anal retentive that you must sit here and pick apart simple typing errors from time to time or pick on someone's misuse of word like their instead there (which I would not be the guilty party for that ) Rather if the misspelling on a gamer's forum bothers you to the extent of celebrating your freakish preoccupations then perhaps you need to get yourself a real life hobby.

I think we have made the distinction between typos and not proof reading your own paragraphs before hitting the reply button and the idiotic internet slang which many of you complain of but still actively participate in, which is rather hypocritical in and of itself. That is a biased column since of course you really didn't paint both sides to the story, but instead only flavored yours to a bias nature.

Kevin, suck a cock.. add that to your article ;) oh and have a great day

08-29-2005, 10:20 PM
some people just have different pet peeves?

08-29-2005, 10:27 PM
Yup. And apparently (and as expected), it's ruffled feathers.


Ps -- "...the extent of celebrating your freakish preoccupations then perhaps you need to get yourself a real life hobby...". Remember, I'm paid to make these arguments. This is my real life hobby. :) And, I'm not a fan of the cock-sucking. Talk to Shanks about that. Or so I've heard...

08-29-2005, 10:35 PM
Not really, I just didn't care for the fact that you used me as your example of an after the fact reaction which you never had an intention of inspiring. Instead you were probably out of material and decided to make a moutain out of molehill, yet again. :)

08-29-2005, 10:54 PM
Now, I realize that I’m a stickler for such things, but the unfortunate part is that people should care. Many of the people I deal with are college aged if not older, and whether or not they will admit it or realize it, how they write both in public and in private is a reflection of who they are. Someone that writes clearly, concisely, and correctly comes across as better educated and more intelligent, even if that’s not true. People that misspell words and make obvious grammatical errors come across as dimwitted and undereducated, even if that too is not true.

I kinda like coming across as undereducated...and this is one of the many reasons why i don't proofread what i type...plus its a helluva lot easier to knowingly make mistakes so that you can cover up the mistakes you don't mean to make ;p

08-29-2005, 10:59 PM
I've actually been asked by several people to write such an article. The "push over the edge" was in fact the thread from a month or so ago. But it's not a lack of material. It's finally having an example of it that can be put into context.


08-29-2005, 11:26 PM
Kevin, I have been trying to get this point across to players (and personal friends) for a long time. Thanks dUder :P

08-30-2005, 07:36 AM
You would make my mother proud Czech. I, on the other hand, wish you painful recourse

08-30-2005, 10:58 AM
Although I hate...err love kevin a lot, I for one am glad he did this. Referring to the article he quoted me on...businesses seriously lose a LOT of money because of mis(s)pelled words and misscommunication in the work-place. But the gaming arena is also becoming a workplace.

Time is money, and when you can't understand someone's written speech, time is wasted asking them for a reiteration.

Besides, I think it's a well written article. Doesn't really point any fingers, but it asks for us to question ourselves and find a solution.

08-30-2005, 12:15 PM
I can see the point of the article. I personally find it annoying when all you hear is "l33t" this and "pwnzor'd" that.

I'm not justifying poor grammar by any means, but if it stays in games and on gaming posts, I don't see how it is harmful. I could understand if my company was dealing with another company and they gave us a proposal in leet speak. But in a gaming atmosphere I don't see the harm.

08-30-2005, 12:21 PM
Would have been neat to use this:


08-30-2005, 01:15 PM
Thanks Hen.

I just forwarded that to my co-workers.. that was awesome.

08-31-2005, 07:44 PM
A forum board is not a work place and we are not talking about l33t speak we are talking about typos , big difference. So now the rest of you can get off your soap box.

08-31-2005, 08:39 PM
/me douses Czech's soapbox with lighter fluid & steals Ronin's lighter to set it ablaze!

09-01-2005, 08:25 AM

I thought the basis of l33t speak was bad grammar? At least that's how I've always associated the two.

My bad.

/steps off soap box, flips it over and begins to beat out Kumbaya

09-01-2005, 09:46 AM
I don't have a soap box - I'm afraid of dropping it when Ronin is around.

09-01-2005, 10:25 AM
leave it to kevin to criticize people and toot his own horn in the same article.

ive already stated how i think this is a casual message board comprised of friends and as such how you type as long as it is legible means absolutely jack shit unless of course your name is kevin or kevina.

if indeed your name is kevin or kevina then you might not realize that in simultaneously saying that you are anal about grammar and then going on to criticize others you are basically saying, "well its stupid to do what im doing but im gonna go ahead and do it anyway".

also, ill add that if capitalization, spelling, and grammer prevent you from taking someone seriously on btp when you can still understand their post then that is solely your problem and not the poster's.

gentle makes a good point. i honestly dont care if im missing a comma in a post on btp. occassionally if the thread is somewhat serious and i want to 1) come across as being perfectly clear and/or 2) i want to add a bit of seriousness and professionalism added i will take more time but generally i type the post straight out and hit submit or whatever. i also type very fast so that resules in typos and in me breezing through a post.

additionally i dont think my posts are unclear except sometimes when i post in the political forum early in the morning and i am half asleep and ill re-read my post a couple days later and not even remember typing them and laughing at how stupid i sound.

however, we shouldnt get all pissy about kevin's article cause kevin may be a dick but thats just him and ultimately he isnt a bad guy, he is just kevin. that and we can all assure ourselves we are right and he is wrong and go to bed comforted by that.

oh and shanks does indeed LOVE THE CAWK!!!

09-01-2005, 10:33 AM
however, we shouldnt get all pissy about kevin's article cause kevin may be a dick but thats just him and ultimately he isnt a bad guy, he is just kevin. that and we can all assure ourselves we are right and he is wrong and go to bed comforted by that.

oh and shanks does indeed LOVE THE CAWK!!!

There is no right and wrong in this. There is only a difference of opinion.

Shanks does love the cawk.

09-01-2005, 11:05 AM
no palli, im right and im always right damnit.


09-01-2005, 04:51 PM
OMG..!! You guys have nothing better to do than argue about this stuff..?


Lets talk about sex… ok?

/me humps Kevin for pointing out our faults and calling us stupid
/me humps arty for being so dam cute
/me humps hexum for being so sexy
/me humps Mr. Shanks for loving the cawk
/me humps Sasha cause she is sexier than Hex
/me humps Buddha because he is my nerd buddy

09-01-2005, 04:57 PM
/me blushes
/me curtsies
/me vomits on stuffit

09-01-2005, 05:15 PM
I didn't criticize anyone or toot my own horn. (I do like to toot, though.) I said that whether or not we realize it, meaning whether or not it's a conscious decision, people take what they read and what they hear and form an opinion around it. I happen to be very conscious of it.

As a very recent example, on the way home Tuesday, I was driving behind a truck that had this painted on the back: "Did your last car repair cost to much?" That was followed by a phone number. And, that was immediately a place I would never use just because of the error.

So yes, I'm a dick in that sense. I also donated $100 to the Red Cross for the hurricane victim relief fund, so I'm not 100% dick. ;)


09-01-2005, 06:06 PM
Stuffit: In the future, please refer to me as your "geek buddy" as geeks > nerds

Thank you so much! ;) :finger: :P :D

09-01-2005, 09:05 PM
G33k5 :laugh:

P.S. f0rm n0w 0n 0nly 1337 form teh bl3u...... @r7i5 i5 h077 :laugh:

09-02-2005, 05:49 AM
Hey..I can read it so I don't mind.