View Full Version : More Terrorist Info.

06-23-2002, 01:11 AM
Just wanted to post this. I am sure all of u must of heard by now of the FBI releasing new information on the target of the Jewish communities in the United States. They say the next terroristic attacks could be brought about using oil and gas tankers to cause destruction and mass murder. At least the Government released this info before it actually could happen to prepare us for the worse and hope for the best.

06-27-2002, 06:49 PM
hahahaha...i read some shit n the times mag and some dude n spain thinks Us government did it... he said that the us controll the planes from the ground and they did it so they could blame the A rabs:confused:

what u think man?

06-27-2002, 07:03 PM
Yeah that is bs bro. There is actually a best selling book out in France about conspiracy theories and it is about how the US government was involved with Sept. 11th attacks. I bet that is what that dude in Spain is talking about, because that book is big in Europe right now.

06-27-2002, 07:20 PM
lmao..i must agree that is some bs...i am just glad i was born with some since..the only reason y they think we r involved n the sept 11 attacks...is that we r attacking back so fast and shit:D