View Full Version : Ronin

10-10-2005, 05:35 PM
I have a few points of contention with Ronin. In the text that follows, when I quote from Ronin, I will use the word "excrement" in place of another word which is now apparently permitted in general circulation publications and which I have edited out. In the end, the most telling thing is that to get even the simplest message into the consciousness of irrational pseudo-intellectuals, it has to be repeated at least 50 times. Now, I don't want to insult your intelligence by telling you the following 50 times, but he is not just abhorrent. He is unbelievably, astronomically abhorrent.

Anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for "advanced" thought in the humanities already knows that inequality does not beget equality. What may be news, however, is that in this crucial hour and under the treachery of our time, I must announce that the essence of lying is in deception, not in words. Get that straight, please. Any other thinking is blame-shoving or responsibility-dodging. Furthermore, the facts as I see them simply do not support the false, but widely accepted, notion that Ronin is the most recent incarnation of the Buddha. Ronin has certainly never given evidence of thinking extensively. Or at all, for that matter. I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for his subterfuge. I'm entirely stunned. Negativism is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion. But the problems with Ronin's projects don't end there.

A word to the wise: Statements like, "Ronin has always favored providing a privileged and protected status for noisome grifters" accurately express the feelings of most of us here. I'm not very conversant with his background. To be quite frank, I don't care to be. I already know enough to state with confidence that several things Ronin has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how cultural tradition has never contributed a single thing to the advancement of knowledge or understanding. I have one final message for you before ending this letter: Ronin's perversions are a spiritual syphilis that has now reached the tertiary stage, paresis and insanity.

10-10-2005, 05:36 PM

Stole that idea from a Ratty thread awhile ago.


10-10-2005, 05:59 PM
You won't hear about this in the media, but Rabbi Blue Hen, Ph.D. unfairly lambastes people who are trying to do the best they can in a bad situation. Before I begin, let me point out that my current plan is to raise the quality of debate on issues surrounding Rabbi Hen's bitter homilies. Yes, he will draw upon the most powerful fires of Hell to tear that plan asunder, but his editorials are an icon for the deterioration of the city, for its slow slide into crime, malaise, and filth. If you want to hide something from him, you just have to put it in a book. Rabbi Hen ignores a breathtaking number of facts, most notably:

Fact: It is appalling to me that Rabbi Hen has managed to torment, harry, and persecute anyone who crosses his path.

Fact: He has been working under a veil of bureaucracy and secrecy to represent a threat to all the people in the area, indeed, possibly the world.

Fact: To him, acting like a vitriolic, slatternly flimflammer is a lot of fun.

In addition, if he can't be reasoned out of his prejudices, he must be laughed out of them. If he can't be argued out of his selfishness, he must be shamed out of it.

Why can't we find even one well-designed, peer-reviewed, longitudinal study that clearly demonstrates that we should derive moral guidance from Rabbi Hen's glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented stratagems? Probably because no comprehensive study has ever drawn such a filthy conclusion. In contrast, many studies indicate that if you don't think that it remains to be seen if Rabbi Hen will alter laws, language, and customs in the service of regulating social relations by the end of the decade, then you've missed the whole point of this letter. We must understand that he is a heterogeneous conglomeration of everything scary, bookish, and illiterate. And we must formulate that understanding into as clear and cogent a message as possible. The end.

10-10-2005, 08:12 PM
The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how cultural tradition has never contributed a single thing to the advancement of knowledge or understanding.

See!!! I told you it would in the long run. Now I must divulge from this state of ethos and rue the day with my ever lasting piusness. Hoooray for impeirialism!! Hooray I say!

10-10-2005, 09:18 PM
This explains why Ronin tried out for the part of Corky on Life Goes On.

Thanks for the clarification.
