View Full Version : Too many FPS games and not enough $?

10-10-2005, 07:56 PM
If you don't mind playing single player games (and I know that half of you don't do that for whatever reason -- I'd rather suck at games on my own on occasion), check out Tron 2.0. I'm going through it a second time now and it is one of the most creative and original FPS games in a long, long time.

I won't go into details too much, but let's just say the graphics rock, the soundtrack is a testament to how sci-fi game soundtracks should sound (with plenty of references to the original movie and game), and overall, the mix of exploration, killing crap, and puzzle solving is just fun.

I will say that it's full of programmer humor. If you're a coder by day, dork by night, you will get a lot of the humor in here.

- An enemy begging for his life swears he'll make you an common acronym.
- You have to find the high-level compiler hanging out in a bar. What bar? You guessed it. The Progress Bar.
- You "compile" new "subroutines" and upgrade them from Alpha to Gold to increase their strengths.
- Your sniper rifle is called the LOL (Long-range Occular Laser).

And, of course, need I mention the light cycles? :)

It's $20 or less right now and it's got a good 20-30 hours of single player, as well as disc multiplayer over the Net and light cycle MP over a LAN.

Here's a pic from fairly far into the game, but the whole thing has this surreal look to it.



10-10-2005, 09:34 PM
i played that not long after it came out. it is a very good game. i never wound up finishing it because i got a bit bored about 20 or so hours in, but it is well worth it if you can pick it up for sub-$20. the disc is one of the best fps weapons ever.

10-19-2005, 04:20 PM
That one I am not sure I could handle. Playing a game with those kinds of colors the whole time might just give me a headache.