View Full Version : VP Candidates

08-23-2008, 10:19 AM
not alot to say except for the fact both selected VP's based entirely on what they claim to be polar opposites of. one claims to be the bringer of "change" and selects a permanant fixture who adheres to the party line in spite of peoples will. the other did no better by selecting a pretty far to the right candidate in spite of his "maverick" persona. another fucking joke of an election cycle. you get two candidates that standing alone are more electable than when they made their VP choices. who in the hell advises these people?

08-25-2008, 08:14 PM
This is why I quit registering to vote in the 1990s....

08-26-2008, 08:28 PM
Did Mrs. Michelle Obama call Hawaii a continent? You know, Obama's mom could have made him stay in Indonausea and fight for a different kind of freedom. lol

08-27-2008, 08:29 PM
Who? That's what I said!

08-29-2008, 12:09 PM
Welp McCain has selected Sarah Palin as his VP. An interesting choice considering that she is similar to him in certain ways. You have to think that her age had a lot to do with the selection.

Either way I am voting for Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente.

08-29-2008, 02:42 PM
I didn't even know Sarah Palin was the current governor of Alaska. Interesting...

08-30-2008, 10:54 AM
It is interesting. I don't know which way to vote now. haha

08-30-2008, 08:59 PM
This is going to be a wierd one...

All I know about Sarah Palin so far is a little vid from youtube someone did on her, the main thing is that she has ZERO experience at anything besides being the gov of Alaska and from what I seen of her is that she is a cutie for a 44 year old.

Other than that I know nothing about her.

Edit: Alright had to post this one I just found of her..


McCain... lol oops...