View Full Version : Match tonight.....

07-09-2002, 11:06 PM
Hey guys, great match. It was a lot of fun. Sorry about all the problems my guys were having that first map especially. Thanks for being patient and being really awesome about it. LM really holds teams in high regards for being good sports with stuff like that, especially after recently when we lost on a tiebreaker map after 2 players dropped and the other team wouldn't stop and played us 5 on 3 for 5 minutes and ended up capping to win 1-0. It's a shitty feeling. So we definitely appreciate your patience with some of the issues we had on the first map and part of the second. You guys are a lot of fun to play, and it's teams like you that keep this game fun. We definitely hope to face you guys again. Maybe we can setup some scrims sometime, it's always nice to play a fun competitive team :D Thanks again, you guys are very classy!

Great Games!

Vladdy :D

07-09-2002, 11:14 PM
(This is Palladium btw)

Good Games B2D... always a pleasure to play with you guys. I still hate playing against Bigus and Hellish though.. you guys are too good for me :)

Sorry about the first map too though... for some reason UT would only render half the screen (cover up half your monitor and that's what it was lookin' like for me) :(

Well, was a lot of fun guys, good luck with future UT endeavers and if we ever meet again, I'm sure it'll be just as fun and the games will be just as good :D

07-09-2002, 11:15 PM
I have to agree with Vlad. Thanks for your patience on first map. We really like your attitudes, and we would do the same for you and most any other team out there.

07-10-2002, 02:14 AM
np guys i mean its totally normal to stop playing in those
situation a lot of issues take place in online game especially
the one that run on bill gates system !!!! anyway it was pretty fun to play against you cant wait to play again :)
oh and Natty i still hate you for that awesome defense :P
i only touch the flag 2 or 3 time :(
