View Full Version : UT2K3 Admin console commands

10-24-2002, 09:02 PM
taken from another forum somewhere....

Admin Commands
Command What it does
Adminlogin (password) Logs admin onto server
Adminlogout (password) Logs off admin
Admin switchlevel (mapname?game=gametype?mutator=mutator) Changes server to specific map/gametype/mutator
Admin set uweb.webserver bEnabled True Enables remote admin webserver (after level change)
Admin set uweb.webserver bEnabled False Disables remote admin webserver (after level change)
Admin (command) Executes a command
Kick (playername) Kicks player from server
Kickban (playername) Logs admin onto server

Command What it does
Mem stat Show Windows memory usuage
Stat all Displays all stats
Stat audio Shows audio stats
Stat fps Shows average and current frames per second
Stat game Displays game stats
Stat hardware Shows hardware stats
Stat net Displays net stats (ping etc)
Stat none Removes stat displays
Stat render Displays rendering stats (shocker eh?)

Player Commands / Bot Controls
Command What it does
Add bots (number) Add X number of bots
Behindview 1 Switches to 3rd person view
Behindview 0 Switches to 1st person view
Disconnect Disconnects from server
Reconnect Reconnects to last server
Quit Quits game
Exit Closes UT2003
Killbots Eliminates bots
Switchlevel (mapname) Changes to level named
Open (mapname) Opens named map
Switchteam Changes players team
Suicide Kills player
Teamsay (text) Talk to teammates only
Playersonly Freezes bots
Say (text) Message to all players
Setname (name) Changes name

Misc. Commands
Command What it does
Demorec (demoname) Records a demo (n/a until patch)
Demoplay (demoname) Plays a demo (n/a until patch)
Stopdemo Stops playing a demo (n/a until patch)
Brightness (number) Increases/Decreases brightness based on number
Contrast (number) Increases/Decreases contrast based on number
Gamma (number) Changes gamma level to certain number
Cdtrack (number) Plays named CD track number
Confighash Shows configuration information
Contrast (number) Increases/Decreases contrast based on number
Kickban (playername) Logs admin onto server
Debug crash Test crash the game with an error
Debug eatmem Tests memory allocation until filled
Debug GPF Produces a general protection fault error
Debug recurse Test crash via infinite recursion
Exec (filename) Runs a file in the UT2003/system directory
Flush Cleans all caches and relights
FOV (number) Changes field of view to certain number
Dumpcache Clears memory gcache contents
Getcolodepths Displays maximum color depth supported by hardware
Getcurrentcolordepths Displays current color depth
Getcurrentres Displays current resolution
Getcurrenttickrate Displays current tick rate
Getmaxtickrate Displays maximum tick rate
Musicorder (number) Changes to certain track in the song (0=ambient 1=action 2=suspense)
Netspeed (number) Set netspeed (default=10000)
Obj classes Displays a list of object classes
Obj garbage Collects and purges objects not in use
Obj hash Displays object hashing stats
Obj linkers Displays list of active linkers
Pausesounds Pauses all sounds
Unpausesounds Unpauses all sounds
Preferences Opens advanced settings (Disabled in Retail Game)
Relaunch Copies report of current game to clipboard
Set (class variable value) Sets specified class and variable with named value
Setsensitivity (number) Sets mouse sensitivity to X
Setres (WidthxHeightxColordepth) Sets screen resolution to specific width/height/color depth
Slomo 1 Sets game speed to normal
Slomo 2 Sets gamespeed to double - Increase number to go faster
Slomo .5 Sets gamespeed to half - Decrease number to go slower
Sockets Displays the list of in use sockets
Togglefullscreen Changes fullscreen mode (in Windows hit ALT+ENTER as well)
Type (text) Displays specified text in console

Cheat Codes
God - Toggle God Mode
Amphibious - Underwater Breathing
Fly - Fly Mode
Ghost - Walk through walls
Walk - Return walking to normal
Invisible - Turn inivisibility on or off (true / false)
Teleport - Teleport to where your crosshair is pointing
AllAmmo - Full ammo on all possessed weapons
Allweapons - Give all weapons
Loaded - Give all weapons and full ammo on them (combo of allammo and allweapons
SkipMatch - Win the current match and advance on the ladder
JumpMatch -Jump to a specific match on the ladder, where is a number. For example 43 for ladder 4, rung 3
ChangeSize - Change the player size by factor # (i.e. 0.25 or 2.0)
LockCamera - Toggle locking the camera in its current position
FreeCamera - Delink the camera rotation from the actor
ViewSelf - Reset the camera to view the player (true to be quiet, false to have sound)
ViewBot - Cycle the camera through the viewable bots
ViewFlag - View the actor current carrying the flag
ViewPlayer - Change the camera view to the given player
ViewActor - Change the camera view to the given actor
ViewClass - Change the camera view to the given class
KillViewedActor - Kill the actor the camera is currently viewing. Do NOT kill yourself! (Game will get stuck)
Avatar - Possess a pawn of the given class
Summon - Summon the given object
SetCameraDist - Set the distance the camera has from its target
SetGravity - Change gravitional pull
SetJumpZ - Change Jump height
SetSpeed - Mutiply the Player water and ground speed with the given value
ListDynamicActors - Output all dynamic actors to the log file
FreezeFrame - Pause the game for the given duration
SetFogR - Set red color component of fog
SetFogG - Set green color component of fog
SetFogB - Set blue color component of fog
SetFlash - Set the duration a screen flash takes to fade away
CauseEvent - Trigger the given event
LogSciptedSequences - Toggle logging for all scripted sequences
KillPawns - Kill all actor pawns except the player
KillAll - Kill everything of the given class, i.e. KillAll Pawn
KillAllPawns - Kill all pawns of the given class
PlayersOnly - Toggle the level to a players only level
CheatView - Toggle to view to the given actor
WriteToLog - Write the string 'NOW!' to the game log
ReviewJumpSpots - Test jumping, the parameter can be 'Transloc', 'Jump', 'Combo' or 'LowGrav'

10-24-2002, 11:37 PM
Heh, this takes me back ... for a while, back when the clan was around the first time, [CS] used to only be able to borrow servers where we had in-game admin rights, as opposed to webadmin rights. I had to learn all of the in-game console commands just so we could practice and set up matches! Talk about a pain.

Needless to say, I jettisoned all of that information from memory as soon as possible, so this is a handy reference to have :D