Anyone remember me from the servers around 2006?
Its been a long time since i've seen/heard about you.

today i got an e-mail from Jabari today saying how he didnt appreciate how bothered his brother on the servers. Like i said to him i would like to apologize to chiro.
Also im a tad touched that you e-mailed me and havent forgotten me in a way.

I would also like to add that if there have been any occurrences of "me" since about mid 2007 - 2009 i would just like to say that it isn't me. I haven't been on the Light Bringer servers since about 2006 nor did i think they were still running since LightBringer himself shut them down for a while as well as this server.
Anyways back to my point, if "starfire1500" has been on recently it is not me, i haven't been on the servers much at all especially since UT3 came out because it seems the games are split half and half.

Enough of my rambling. I would just like to say hello and apologize to Jibari and his brother.