Alight after ari bitched me out over at and in ways told me to get my act together I descided what the hell, let's give it a run........LOL j/k ARI!

ANyways, I didn't have much luck with RoA when LBG tried to get me in there. I seemed to have conflicting scheduals, so he asked me if I wanted to come try out here at the beginning. Needless to say I turned him down cold like i have with everyone else, my connection is not the best but I sort of miss hangin out with peeps and helping run a clan, so I though this might be a good place to start up again. So here I am

It's been a while since I was ever in a clan now, and even longer since I ran one, but hey, I'll try my bestest

Noticing the time (9:00 am) I am thinking you peeps don't get up this early? and thus I have no response on mirc, LOL!

Anyways I'll be around all day, I have some animation to finish for tomorrow, I'll hang out in your chat and check back here every later today. SOmeone pls msg me or respond to what is going down, if anything. THx